CCS is a leading provider of same or next day transportation, distribution and logistical services for our corporate clients. We are a select group of highly trained, multinational, professional individuals that personally transport time critical components, documents or parts to destinations throughout the United States and around the world. Our couriers are available on short notice to quickly respond to your needs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. CCS utilizes an in-house airline reservation system to maximize our 40+ years of collective courier experience. WHEN WE COMMIT TO YOU, WE DELIVER FOR YOU, ON TIME.



At CCS we are dedicated to being the first and best choice throughout our industry. Our team is committed to reliable performance and quality, in addition to the highest level of professional customer support. CCS is THE RIGHT CHOICE!


We proudly serve our expanding base of active clients by being a "reliable" one-click-source for the fastest, same and next day delivery solutions available. Complete Courier Services delivers anyplace and anytime - FAST! 24/7, all 365 days of the year.


What are you shipping? Pieces, Weight and Dimensions


Where is the shipment now and where does it need to go?


When is it ready to be shipped? When does it need to be where it is going?



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33669 Yorkridge Street, Farmington Hills, MI 48331 | P. 248.388.5374 |
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